
A wedding is a magical day, one that has often been dreamed of and imagined since childhood. The expectations and excitement are high and heaps of planning goes into the party and entertaining your friends but what about the really meaningful part, the bit that makes it legal, your ceremony!

So what IS so special about your wedding ceremony? I think there are several things that make it very special. Firstly it’s all about you and your partner, the person you have chosen to love, cherish and support for the rest of your life. It’s where you have a chance to tell your partner exactly how important and special they are to you with your personal vows, and your marriage is made legal with you official vows. It’s the opportunity to let all your family and friends know how much you mean to each other and how important your relationship and future are to you.  It’s where I will do everything I can to make sure it’s a marriage ceremony that you are truly proud of, feel absolutely comfortable with and genuinely represents you both.

You’re now on an exciting voyage towards your wedding day and I’m delighted you have found your way to my website. In my role as a Marriage Celebrant, I will work closely with you to provide a ceremony that is a true reflection of your personal, cultural and spiritual beliefs and one that gives you freedom of choice with both content and format. Remember, this is your day, so it is important to plan the ceremony the way you would like your special occasion to be celebrated. We will work through the legal requirements together and you will be surprised how incredibly easy it is.

For me Love is Love and I think it’s wonderful to be able to celebrate that with everyone. So if you’re in love and have found that person who brings out the very best in you and to whom you want to commit, well then I would love to meet up with you to see how you feel about us working together on your ceremony for your special day.

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We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful ceremony. When I think about the wedding now, I think the ceremony was the most beautiful part for me!

Valentina & Mark